Living as a Psychic
My intention is to serve the Collective
as a clear vessel of Light.
What is clairvoyance?
People often ask me what it is like to be psychic. First, I had to understand what it was like to not be psychic. Prior to this, I thought everyone was having the same experience as me. I experience all of the five clairs, mediumship, and channeling. I receive information from the quantum field of consciousness and spirit realm most often through clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, and through channeling. "Psychic" refers to anyone with heightened intuitive or extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), mediumship (communicating with spirits), and channeling (acting as a conduit for higher entities).
The 6 Clairs:
Clairvoyance works with your Third Eye. This is an energy center, rather than the physical eyes. It is the 6th Chakra, located behind the forehead.
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing.”
Clairvoyance is when visions flash through our mind's eye, or third eye. Information is received like an inner movie projector. Many people are visual learners and able to understand an idea best when it is written or sketched on paper.
Clairaudience means “clear hearing.”
Clairaudience is when we hear words, sounds, or music beyond our normal range of hearing. It is hearing information from angels or guides in the field of consciousness. Some people retain and comprehend information when they hear it spoken aloud.
Clairsentience means “clear feeling.”
Clairsentience is feeling a person's emotions or physical pain. This goes beyond empathy. Intuition is a strong "gut" feeling, positive or negative. Many people experience this when we get the "chills" for no apparent reason when we first meet someone. This gift makes us natural healers and caregivers.
Clairalience means “clear smelling.”
Clairalience is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source. This could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative. Certain smells connect us to past memories.
Clairgustance means “clear tasting.”
Clairgustance is the ability to taste something that isn't actually there. This experience can appear when accessing a memory or conveying a message about your diet.
Claircognizance means “clear knowing.”
Claircognizance is when knowledge of people or events appear without prior information. Truths pop into our minds from out of nowhere. There's often no practical explanation for why we suddenly "know" something.
Channeling is the ability to receive and transmit information from an external consciousness while in an altered, or trance-like state of mind. One acts as a conduit for higher dementional beings.
Mediumship is communication with the other side by raising your vibration high enough to connect with a deceased person or pet.
The distinction between being psychic and clairvoyance mainly rests on the source of information and how it's accessed. "Psychic" often focuses on personal intuitive perceptions or energy readings, while mediumship and channeling involve receiving information from outside sources.